Paper Doors

Welcome to Paper Doors, the perfect podcast for people who love fantasy books just as much as I do!

Paper Doors

Welcome to Paper Doors, the perfect podcast for people who love fantasy books just as much as I do!

Podcast cover

Once upon a time ...

About Paper Doors

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I've always loved books more than anything else, so it was pretty much a given that I would use this project as another excuse to talk about my favourite thing on this entire planet.

Why “Paper Doors”? To me, books have always been more than just pages upon pages filled with text. To me, they are doors to worlds where I can escape reality, where I can be whoever I want.

In each “chapter”, as I like to call it, I will introduce and talk about three fantasy books corresponding with the episode's topic. While I also included some better-known books like Coraline, I decided to focus on more underrated stories – so maybe you recognize or even have read one of them!

Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy listening to Paper Doors! Perhaps you will find a new book to add to your to-read list, or feel prompted to reread one of your own favourite fantasy stories!

Find yourself a comfy spot, lean back, click play – and tune in!

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Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire
Chapter I: Doorways

In my first episode, I will introduce both myself and the podcast and talk about three books whose stories feature doorways to fantasy worlds.

The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang
Chapter II: Otherworldly

In the second episode of my podcast, I will talk about three books that are set in fantasy worlds and have little to no connection to our own reality.

Baby Teeth by Meg Grehan
Chapter III: Time

In my third episode, I will talk about three books with fantasy elements that are set in our world – be it in the past, the present or the future.